Home News center news information 2018 Germany international rehabilitation, nursing and disease prevention exhibition
2018 Germany international rehabilitation, nursing and disease prevention exhibition

At REHACARE, numerous exhibitors and events provide interesting ideas for rehabilitation, care, inclusion and a self-determined life. And the Sports Centre in Hall 7a, under the direction of the Rehabilitation and Sports Association of People with Disabilities in North-Rhine Westphalia (German: Behinderten- und Rehabilitationssportverband Nordrhein-Westfalen – BRSNW), invites visitors with and without disabilities to join in.

The CYBATHLON Experience of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich will once again attract a great deal of attention in hall 3 this year.

Already in 2017, people with physical disabilities, supported by intelligent technical assistance systems, competed against each other in exciting show competitions. Two different obstacle courses had to be mastered – one with wheelchairs, the other with robotic exoskeletons. This year the course will also be equipped for the use of arm and leg prostheses.